Additional Programs

Rental Assistance 

CASL works with the local county housing authorities for the seven counties that we currently serve and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to help individuals and families who are facing homelessness or housing instability due to inability to pay rent. Through subsidy funding CASL can help those households who are at 80% of the median income or below. CASL seeks to help those who are disabled, low-income families, the elderly and veterans.

Food Security 

Each CASL location is a distribution point for community food bank services. CASL works with the local hunger relief organizations in the counties we operate to ensure our clients have the food they need. CASL believes if people have the right support system which includes stable housing and food security it transforms people’s lives.    
A 2019 study by  Feeding America found that 1 in 9 individuals and 1 in 7 children, nationally,  lived in food-insecure households. In Sarasota the food insecurity rate was 11.3%. These numbers have likely increased due to the recent pandemic.

Substance Abuse treatment services 

As a contracted provider of Central Florida Behavioral Health Network (CFBHN), CASL has access to CFBHN’s provider network to ensure client/resident have access to the mental health and/or substance abuse treatment services, some of these agencies are Agency for Community Treatment Services, Cove Behavioral Health, Gracepoint and Northside Behavioral Health Center.

our partners
